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Information released online before January, 2021.
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You are entering the 2017-2020 Archive for the
United States Agency for International Development web site.
If you are looking for current information, visit
The ADS contains the organization and functions of USAID, along with the policies and procedures that guide the Agency's programs and operations. It consists of over 200 chapters organized in six functional series: Agency Organization and Legal Affairs, Programming, Acquisition and Assistance, Human Resources, Management Services, and Budget and Finance. The information is continuously updated to align USAID's policies with the latest Federal regulations, Administrator policy statements, and other overarching guidance.
The ADS is administered by the Bureau for Management, Office of Management Policy, Budget and Performance (M/MPBP).
Per Section 3(a) of EO 13891, this site notes that guidance documents linked herein lack the force and effect of law on outside entities, except as authorized by law or as incorporated into a contract or other binding agreement.
Series 100: Agency Organization & Legal Affairs
Series 300: Acquisition & Assistance
Series 500: Management Services
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