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United States Agency for International Development web site.
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USAID Message Manual (pdf - 3 MB)
In March 2019, the Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs (LPA) issued this revised version of the message manual to continue to streamline and improve communications across the Agency. This version includes updates to our overall core messages and our message framework. It also includes key information on our branding and storytelling resources. LPA continues to conduct trainings both in Washington, D.C. and overseas on priority messaging.
We invite you to use this message manual in your ongoing communications efforts, and to contribute to it as a living resource for all USAID and partner communicators.
To overcome the increasingly complex challenges that hold us back — including instability, fragility, violence and environmental threats — we have to employ a more expansive, sustainable approach to international development. We must protect the progress we're making toward a shared future by supporting resilient, democratic societies that provide for the safety, health and well-being of their people.
To do this, we leverage the biggest hearts and brightest minds and remain agile; integrate innovation, science and technology; and focus like never before on measuring and delivering results to ensure that everyone benefits from progress. By building a stronger, more secure world, we are advancing global security and prosperity for all.
Our communication efforts increase awareness and clarity about USAID’s work and how it advances American interests.
They reinforce USAID’s position as the world’s premier international development agency and catalytic actor driving development results.
In all our communication products we should better tell the USAID story to engage audiences.
Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.