Speeches Shim
USAID is a business-focused development agency focused on results.
We understand that humanitarian assistance is both a gift and an investment on behalf of the American public. It contributes to a future that all of us will share. We are constantly looking for ways to work smarter.
We are committed to transparency and accountability - to serve as a model of open and collaborative government.
Featured Reports and Publications
Each week, USAID features selected reports and publications on this page to highlight the work of our staff and partners around the globe. For more reports on USAID's work, please visit our Reports to Congress page and the Development Experience Clearinghouse.
FISMA Quarterly Reporting Update - FY 2019 Quarter 1 (pdf - 241k)
FISMA Quarterly Reporting Update
USAID actively tracks and monitors any weaknesses in security controls from the prior year audit and prioritizes any deficiencies for remediation in the current year. The Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) Quarterly Report provides a snapshot of the current year programs, projects, and ongoing initiatives in place to address vulnerabilities identified in the FY 2018 FISMA audit.
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) annually tests a subset of the Agency’s FISMA reportable systems against the catalog of security and privacy controls for federal information systems and organizations contained in NIST SP 800-53 Revision 4, issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The OIG evaluation of both the NIST controls and IG metrics led to the determination of USAID having an overall effective information security program in FY 2018.
Learn more in the FISMA Quarterly Reporting Update
Risk-Appetite Statement (pdf - 463k)
USAID Risk-Appetite Statement - June 2018
USAID staff make decisions about risk and opportunities as part of their day-to-day activities. This Risk-Appetite Statement strengthens an already well developed set of risk management tools and allows staff to take advantage of opportunities to better achieve our mission.
The purpose of this Risk Appetite Statement is to provide U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) staff with broad-based guidance on the amount and type of risk the Agency is willing to accept – based on an evaluation of opportunities and threats at a corporate level, and in key risk categories – to achieve the Agency’s mission and objectives.
This Statement is a critical component in USAID’s overall effort to achieve effective Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), and the leadership of the Agency will review and update it annually as the ERM program matures and our needs evolve.
Learn more in the USAID Risk-Appetite Statement.
Shared Interest: How USAID Enhances U.S. Economic Growth
The primary objective of United States Government (USG) foreign assistance is to promote U.S. and international security and prosperity by bolstering economic and political stability and self-reliance in developing countries. There is no doubt that investing in global development progress is vital to U.S. national security. However, USG foreign assistance through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) also benefits the U.S. economy and U.S. workers. As one of the most internationally competitive economies in the world, the U.S. is a major exporter of goods and services, and our exports are in demand the world over. As countries get richer, they want to buy more U.S. products and services. By supporting economic growth and self-reliance in developing countries, USAID helps create better, stronger and more resilient markets for U.S. exports.
When countries commit to moving forward, USAID programs can provide the needed capital, technology, ideas, and know-how to assist them. USAID is both from and for the American people.
Learn more in Chief Economist, Dr. Louise Fox’s and Director, Office of Economic Policy, Robyn Broughton’s, Shared Interest Paper.
Results and Data
See how our work - on behalf of the American public - spans the globe:

Did You Know?
- More than 3 million lives are saved every year through USAID immunization programs. And thanks to USAID, over 850,000 people have been reached with USAID HIV prevention education, and 40,000 people have been trained to support HIV/AIDS programs in their own countries.
- More than 50 million couples worldwide use family planning as a direct result of USAID's population program.
- With the help of USAID, 21,000 farm families in Honduras have been trained in improved land cultivation practices which have reduced soil erosion by 70,000 tons.
- USAID has targeted some $15 million in technical assistance for the energy sectors of developing countries. U.S. assistance has built a $50 billion annual market for private power. U.S. firms are capturing the largest share of the $50 billion annual market for private power in these markets.
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