
Speeches Shim

USAID is the world's premier international development agency. USAID's work advances U.S. national security and economic prosperity, demonstrates American generosity, and promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience. The Compliance Division helps USAID fulfill this mission on behalf of the American people by ensuring that USAID only partners with organizations and individuals that are presently responsible.

The Compliance Division in the Bureau for Management, Office of Management Policy, Budget and Performance

  • Leads the Agency’s SUSPENSION and DEBARMENT program and supports USAID’s Suspending and Debarring Official (SDO), the decision maker for the Agency on suspension and debarment matters. Suspension and debarment actions are business decisions that protect the Agency and the United States Government from doing business with entities and individuals that are not presently responsible.
    • Present responsibility is related to implementing partners’ internal controls and whether they have appropriate safeguards in place to be responsible stewards of taxpayers dollars.
    • Misconduct in USAID programs ranges from fraud, waste, and abuse, human rights violations, sexual exploitation and abuse, to other forms of serious misconduct.
  • Conducts OUTREACH and TRAINING sessions to help USAID staff and partners detect, deter, and address misconduct on USAID projects and promote a culture of compliance.
  • Reviews ASSISTANCE APPEALS arising under grants and cooperative agreements to recommend final determinations to the Agency’s deciding official, the Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Management (AA/M), or designee.

The Compliance Division works closely with the USAID Office of Inspector General (OIG), USAID missions and other USG oversight bodies on all forms of misconduct. The division manages alleged reports of non-compliance and/or ethical concerns associated with USAID partners.

You can contact the Compliance Division at [email protected]

System for Award Management

To determine if an organization, firm, or individual has been suspended or debarred from receiving U.S. government funds, visit the official System for Award Management at

What is a USAID Partner?

A USAID partner is any entity or individual who enters into a contract and/or agreement with USAID to support the achievement of our foreign assistance goals via our overseas development programs. We expect our development partners to act in the spirit of partnership while delivering effective and sustainable development solutions to the beneficiaries we work with in more than 100 countries worldwide. We expect the USAID partner to take all steps necessary to ensure integrity within their organization, systems and personnel, and to meet the compliance standards of the U.S. government.